Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy Trails One Man's Rebellion Record

Everton J. Conger

I'm sorry to report that Rob Wick has decided to pull the plug on his blog, One Man's Rebellion Record.

Believe me, not all blogs are created equal, but his blog was one of those that seemed to raise the bar in terms of quality posts. I hope the blog will remain available online; there really is a lot there that is worth reading.

Posts like "Five books on Lincoln's Assassination You Should Have" come to mind, as do his posts on
Everton J. Conger (later life), one of the folks responsible for capturing Lincoln's assassin.

And another thing. Now that the One Man's Rebellion Record is no more, what corner of the blogosphere will serve up Civil War historiography quite the same?

That's right, Wick produced a series of highly detailed portraits of historians from James G. Randall (Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, ) and Bell Irwin Wiley (Part 2 ), to Otto Eisenschimal!

When the A. Lincoln Blog called it quits earlier this year, extended an invitation to Brian Dirck to post here if he should ever get the itch again.

We gladly extend the same invitation to Rob Wick. If he should ever feel the need to sound off in blog format, he is welcome to do so in a guest post at!

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